I call the meeting to order. Good afternoon, everybody.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on Thursday, November 9, 2017, the committee is resuming its study of experiential learning and pathways to employment for Canadian youth.
Today the committee will be hearing from officials from the Department of Employment and Social Development, the Public Service Commission of Canada, and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.
For the first hour, we have a number of witnesses here from the Department of Employment and Social Development: Ms. Rachel Wernick, senior assistant deputy minister, skills and employment branch; Monika Bertrand, director general of the employment program policy and design directorate; Benoit Tessier, executive director of employer liaison services; and Christopher Bates, director of trades and apprenticeship.
Good afternoon.
I believe we are going to get opening remarks from you, Rachel. You have seven minutes.