Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank all the witnesses for their presentations.
In Quebec, over a million jobs will be filled within seven years.
I represent a riding experiencing a labour shortage, and I sincerely hope that our study will help us find ways to build a better bridge between available jobs and job seekers.
Having been the director of a housing resource for troubled youth, I am well aware that youth employment centres don't only help troubled youth. There are two such centres in my riding—Espace carrière, in Saint-Hyacinthe, and Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Comté de Johnson, in Acton Vale.
I know that you help dropouts, as well as university graduates who are underemployed. Given our area of jurisdiction, we are more specifically interested in what is being done for young newcomers, but also for young aboriginals.
My first question is twofold.
To your knowledge, are any youth employment centres working with young newcomers or young aboriginals?
If you don't have that information on hand, you could send it to us later.
Our study could also lead us to recommend that more money be transferred to the Government of Quebec and to other provincial governments to support the most promising approaches used with those clienteles.