There is a polarization of the labour market within Canada and Quebec.
A set of middle-class jobs are disappearing, resulting in increased demand for highly skilled jobs or under-qualified jobs. This is where the problem arises because a multiplicity of well-paid and stable jobs have disappeared. We also note that young people who leave school with degrees do not have suitable opportunities, since these jobs have disappeared. They must therefore turn to underemployment.
Above all, we are seeing an increase in the profile of the difficulties faced by young people who are not participating in the labour market. We are in a period of full employment, but support is even more vital today because people who are not participating in the job market have increased difficulties, which requires even more intense support to continue on this path.
As Ms. Broome said, the road to employment is inevitably long. Support must therefore be ongoing and take into account all areas of the young person's life. Young people don't need to get jobs as quickly as possible, since they may not be able to keep them. Sustainable insertion in employment requires fairly broad support.