The only people who didn't like Bill C-377 were the people upstairs. As for the people downstairs, even from a survey done by the building trades unions, when you actually dig through the work they had Léger do for them, you can see that they too found that rank and file, dues-paying, unionized Canadians wanted disclosure.
That's what all the research showed we wanted. But what I saw at the Senate hearing I was at was a chummy relationship between the senator and a very prominent union leader who has been the subject of much controversy down at the Ontario Labour Relations Board, in terms of what goes on financially inside the labourers' union in Ontario.
I was deeply troubled as a taxpayer and as a Canadian to witness that type of thing and to read the statements of Senator Segal, which I thought were unfounded, not based in reality, and political theatre to serve a purpose.
He had an agenda against the Prime Minister's Office, which is what he was really up to, sir.