Reinstate something like the board of referees. Look at the various zones across the country. I think they have to be rethought. Look at principles such as, if someone has left a job, is there a reasonable cause for doing that? Not infrequently, we have people who have been living in Cape Breton and working in Fort McMurray who actually get a job at home. They quit the job in Fort McMurray, where they have been for a year, and they go to work on the job in Cape Breton. Things are going along really well until the third week, when there is no material, so they lay everybody off. This person files for EI, after quitting a job and losing a year's worth of whatever. You are on your own. That does not make sense.
On the question of access to EI, I am not prepared to say, give every slug who doesn't want to work some money because the government is a nice way to get money. It should be based on your actions. If you have done something that puts you out of a job without a reasonable explanation, then we don't need that. The hiring hall agreements need to be reinstated across the country. They make sense for our industry. Parental and sick benefits need a good look. The real issue around parental and sick benefits, special benefits, and training benefits needs a fix. Where does part 2 fit? I'll write you something on all of those things, which will be a lot more elaborate than my just thinking off the top of my head and boring my umbrella to the point it fell on the floor. I'll send you something.