I think the plan as it's been presented, or as I understand the legislation, is that definitions would be dealt with through the regulatory process. Personally, I think that's not a bad idea, because I think the definitions will be difficult to sort out. As we mentioned before, there will be a lot of different perceptions about what things are. We've had experience where there's some question about whether the definition of harassment is actually violence or whether violence is actually harassment, about whether they're the same things or whether they're distinct. It will be critical to sort these things out.
It's probably less critical if we have one route that's in the legislation, which is the key part, so that at least we're not talking about two different definitions that could determine that you take one route versus another, but I think having those things determined through the regulatory process will allow everybody to weigh in on them. The key will be that everybody walks out of there with the same understanding of what those things are.