To be clear, Minister Hajdu and the government deserve full credit for bringing this piece of legislation forward.
We're suggesting some changes in the bill to deal with realities of the workplace and stuff that we do to make it better, that's all. It's something that must be dealt with, mental health. One Canadian in five suffers, with an estimated cost of $51 billion each year; 49% of people who suffer depression have never seen a doctor; and 50% of Canadians would not tell their co-workers of mental illness, but 72% would talk about cancer. That's the reality for people with mental health, all the problems in work. That's why we want this added to the bill, too. It's to make it better.
This is something that had to be dealt with years ago. It's something internal, and unions have been dealing with it. We've had our mental health and physical and sexual harassment policies in place for quite a while. It's something, as organizations, we are dealing with. We support it. We just urge you to make the small changes needed to make it even better, but full credit for bringing it and dealing with it, and dealing with it quickly.