We have thousands of routes delivering parcels and mail to Canadians every day, and as in every other business, there is overtime required on certain days. There is a process for employees to have an interaction with their supervisors. They know their routes best, so before they leave, we say, “You've seen the mail that you have. Come and talk to us about what you think you will have in overtime.” There's also a process after they're done for the day. They need to come in and talk to us about their overtime.
That's the interaction. It happens thousands of times every day in our operation. When there's what's considered above-average overtime, it stands out, and of course, as a responsible employer, we need to have a look. We need to understand why an employee would work four hours a day, every day, on a route that's built on averages. There's a process to handle that, and that's how we manage overtime at Canada Post. It's a daily occurrence.