I think it's the idea of collaboration again, as well as the idea of being open-minded as an employer. You want to believe you're doing everything, but I always believe in and encourage employers to do workplace audits, to go in, see the culture of the organization, see what it's doing, see how the employees treat each other, and see how the employees treat the employer's belongings and property. That gives you a pretty good example of whether they think you're actually doing what you say you're doing as an employer, because if you don't respect your employer, you're not going to respect your employer's property.
If an employer is saying that everyone is to be treated with dignity, and people are not, they must look at the fact that they have high absenteeism or high turnover, all these different things. I think that as organizations, with regard to implementation, they have to be realistic and open-minded beyond just having the best policy.
Education is one of the most important parts with regard to implementation. As was said by my friend with regard to leadership, the leadership needs to own it, and not just talk the talk, but walk the walk.