Excellent. Before I forget, when you are speaking, just for the recording of the testimony, please identify yourself, because if you go back and forth, we won't know who said what.
Joining us here today from Canada Post Corporation are Ann-Therese MacEachern, vice-president, human resources, and Manon Fortin, vice-president, operations integration.
Welcome to both of you.
From the Canadian Bankers Association, we have Marina Mandal, assistant general counsel. Welcome.
From the Federally Regulated Employers—Transportation and Communications, or FETCO, we have Derrick Hynes, executive director. Welcome, sir.
From Fogler, Rubinoff LLP, we have Sheryl Johnson, lawyer. Welcome.
Each of you will have seven minutes for your opening remarks, and we'll have a series of questions. We're going to start off with the Quebec Employers' Council.
Gentlemen, the next seven minutes are yours. If you can identify yourself, that would be great. Thank you very much.