In terms of how this is actually going to play out, there's a lot that could change depending on what is specified in the regulations. We know currently how the model works with respect to workplace violence complaints. These have been interpreted to include harassment in the workplace, and from our members' experience, that has caused some degree of concern, for example, in identifying the competent person. Right now there has to be an agreement in that respect.
I personally know of cases where because they haven't been able to come to an agreement the investigation has been delayed for over a year, which is an issue with respect to delay. Also, there's no guarantee when you have that model that a person is truly independent or has the skills necessary to do a proper investigation. A model where the labour department had a pool of trained, independent investigators who could be called in by the departments would be a possibility in terms of ensuring some element of independence and impartiality. That is definitely an area that we hear is of concern to members. They don't feel like the process that they were provided with was fair.