Mutually agree between...
We're testifying from a unique position here on Parliament Hill where it's our understanding it will be a third party within each office, or someone will be selected in order to deal with allegations where the employer is concerned. The competent third parties become, from my understanding, less relevant in our workplace.
What's going to be important is who in each office is handling...I guess it's the third party individual. If those individuals are coming from any type of department, I can see our members, as well as other political staff, having concerns because our jobs are inherently partisan. The idea of having a department, which is run by a minister who also belongs to a political party, even if it's not necessarily the case where the minister has any involvement, the perception may be there. That could really discourage individuals from wanting to come forward if these individuals have any perception whatsoever that there is political involvement. They may not feel that they're being treated as fairly—