Thanks to all of you for being here and thank you for the valuable testimony that you've provided.
I've asked other witnesses about the importance of independence. I had the privilege of visiting the maximum security Edmonton Institution in January and meeting with some of the USGE employees, as well as the corrections officers and management. I think I've mentioned in committee that, when I read the report that was done on that institute, I had nightmares that night. To think that it went on for 10 years is just mind-boggling and that people would continue to come to work and have to face those—As Nancy said, the word egregious doesn't even go far enough.
I read the report and there were some very good recommendations in there. Going forward, there's a report and there are recommendations. I know there was a sense that there also needs to be some independence in the implementation of those recommendations. Would I be right on that? Also, there needs to be some necessity for reporting back, not necessarily through CSC, but maybe through the ministry of labour. A report has been completed, we've made recommendations, and hopefully an independent...will help to implement those and report back.
I wonder if you could comment on that and if you see this as being something useful in terms of the follow up. That would go to your mention of redress, remedy, and when there is some kind of report.