The problem we have is that nobody has any confidence in the system. They don't feel there's any impartiality when we're talking about the internal complaints. That's why we're talking about having committee involvement and making sure we're involved in who's hearing these complaints.
In our system, the complaint is put in and it doesn't go anywhere. It goes to the supervisor, and then from there it gets lost in the wash and it's not impartial.
Again, it's going back to the internal mechanisms and ensuring that we're a part of that process and we're engaged in it. We're hoping that the individual will feel a lot more confident to come forward and put in the complaint and have it resolved. Many of our complaints go in and we don't hear anything and we don't know what the resolution is. Again, it's about making sure that the individuals have confidence in the system, that it's fair and impartial, and that their complaints will actually be heard.