In the vast majority of cases we do, the employer does pay for the investigation. Occasionally, on the rare occasion that an issue is raised by one of the parties—sometimes it might be union or it may be a complainant's or respondent's counsel—as to the potential lack of neutrality on the part of the investigator because they're being paid by the employer, we've often said, “We're fine to be paid by whomever. If you'd like to split the costs, then you're welcome to do so.” That is rarely offered up.
I think for us this is never an issue, because we have always done our work with integrity. At our firm, we have an enormous client base. We're not dependent upon any particular organization for our work, and we write reports frequently that our employer clients who pay our bill are not happy to receive, but that's the hard truth of the investigation we've done.
I think there are many investigators who do that kind of work, and those are the investigators who should be doing that kind of work. I think you're right to recognize that there may be risks otherwise, but that's the way the work is done most effectively.