In order to prevent a fatal accident, we have to start by preventing incidents that can lead to a fatal accident in the workplace. If we do not define the nature of the incident or incidents that could lead to a physical or psychological injury or illness, I would fully support adding that word.
That is in line with what I said about psychosocial risks. These risks represent a type of incident. There are whole books devoted to explaining this term. We cannot prevent an incident without describing the type of incident that is to be prevented. Otherwise, it would not provide any pedagogical benefit because people would not know what we are trying to prevent. We are trying to stop people from treating each other badly, but under what circumstances and when? Since we know that these risks are scientifically...
In the field of health and safety, we assess psychosocial risks in the same way as we assess other risks to a healthy workplace. Incidents are among the psychosocial risks to be assessed.
I have nothing against adding the word “incidents”, as long as they are described as potentially leading to a workplace injury, to an accident, and to physical or psychological injury.