We have heard a number of witnesses from various organizations insist that this provision be included in the bill. There are clear reasons for that. Based on a number of presentations I have heard, my understanding is that unionized employees who feel that they were victims of harassment can either go through the union, by filing a grievance, or use the procedure set out in the existing legislation.
The objective is always to protect those who want to file a complaint and to provide them with tools so that they don't feel crushed by the employer. We want them to have the choice to call on the representatives. If they decide to do so, it will be their choice. In this case, it is not possible to invoke privacy protection.
My fear is that the government officials may say that it is not clear whether the person can do this or not. That's exactly what I call a legal vacuum. Our role is to ensure that the complainants are protected by the legislation. In this case, the idea is to give them the opportunity to call on their representatives.
We are therefore going to support this amendment.