I think the contention is right. The uptake of the wage subsidy has been lower than most people expected to see. I think the main reason is that it was slower to get into place, and many businesses had to make a decision of how to lay off their workers. Instead of laying them off through a furlough, through the wage subsidy, they laid them off onto the CERB. It's great that we had both things there, that the CERB was able to act as a life preserver for so many Canadian families.
That's the way things went in March, April and May. As to where we are now, I think that, looking forward, the wage subsidy is a really important tool as we restart the economy.
Whatever the mix was between the CERB and the wage subsidy in the past few months, I think that, looking forward, we should be putting our focus on getting people back to work and on the CEWS.