Mr. Chair, my sense is that temporary foreign workers do not mind paying payroll taxes. What they want is access to those benefits when they need them. If they get sick or there's a shortage of jobs, they want to be able to access the benefits, including if they have to return to their country and there will be some time before they are able to become gainfully employed.
One of the reasons temporary foreign workers come to Canada to work in such extreme situations and come back year after year is often that there's a lack of opportunity in their home country. I think we should be looking at how we can ensure that they have access when they need it to the social benefit programs that they've paid into, particularly CPP once they reach retirement age, but also EI when there's a downturn or if, as sometimes happens, they speak up for their rights or they speak up for the rights of others, and then they're not brought back the following year. They should be able to tap into the EI system while they resolve that situation.