With respect to that, I think the biggest issue of course will be enforcement and knowing exactly when there are violations going on.
Actually, the best example I can of think of with regard to where there could be better potential employment is a suggestion for greater inspections in going around to the farms. They of course [Technical difficulty—Editor] involving the CFIA. Actually, in terms of personal experience, when I was working in the orchards in B.C., the Canadian Food Inspection Agency was around regularly, and not necessarily for the purposes of reviewing the conditions of workers. They had to come because they wanted to test the condition of the food and food safety. That was due to exports or even domestic consumption within Canada.
I think that either training for IRPR liaison officers or empowering CFIA officers with the knowledge and ability to inspect working conditions and enforce public health measures would go a far way to actually really knowing how to enforce the restrictions you mentioned previously.