For all temporary foreign workers, all international students and all refugees, basically a single-tier immigration system.... Any multi-tier system where you are in a system of temporariness for a few years means there's exploitation in those years, and if there are exceptions.... For example, in provincial nominee programs, you need to get a letter from your boss to say that it is a full-time job offer. We have seen employers say to a group of six workers that they will pick one of them. Now, none of them are complaining. Actually, the employer was taking money back from their paycheques in return for this promise of a letter.
Any time you have a temporary system, and you set up rules for anything after, there's exploitation. There's just no way around it, and there's no way to stop it because you don't complain, because complaining means you face deportation.
That's why single-tier immigration, permanent status for all, a documented migrant, student, single system....