I'm sorry. I don't hear the translation anymore. I'm set at English.
Let me try.
Basically, yes, these are ongoing problems. This is why I brought to the committee its own decisions, its own recommendations from 2012 and 2016, and those of the Prime Minister.
I'm going beyond the last 10 years, but these are perennial problems, and they're not just happening on farms. They're happening with domestic workers, with international students, with undocumented people and with migrant sex workers. Wherever citizenship is being denied, people are struggling, and people are suffering.
We need to reverse the tide. That means we need to rethink immigration away from two-tier or multi-tier immigration to a single-tier immigration system, to give individuals the power to protect themselves.
This is not about charity. It's about autonomy. People are ready and willing to take care of themselves. The federal government is tipping the scale in favour of exploitation right now.