There can be some pretty significant negative impacts on that. Our experience is that their networks tend not to be very supportive of their long-term growth and long-term inclusion in a community.
As I talked about earlier, you could be the one fish that's swimming upstream when all your friends are going downstream, and it's really hard to keep swimming upstream. If everything is online, including jobs—remote in the way that a lot of things are virtual now—and that stays that way for this population, they'll not have that opportunity to experience a sense of community, where they feel they've landed somewhere that feels good and that reinforces the behaviours they want to develop. If everything remains virtual, it's very hard for them to develop that sense, that community or communal experience.
I think there's some risk there, for sure. If we're going to lose some of that personal contact, the challenge will be how we maintain whatever limited contact there is that is engaging and incredibly important.