You're right that the program is designed to give maximum flexibility to individuals on the ground, and that's allowed them to tailor it to the needs they have. In some cases, organizations may have had physical spaces or extra spaces where they could have allowed physical distancing to take place. In other community organizations, where there is no such possibility with the shelters they're dealing with, they've had to rent hotel space, for example, to accommodate that. Some have had protective equipment shortages. We really leave it to them to do that.
It has been assisted by the fact that Health Canada, through PHAC, issued guidance on March 23 on measures to take in homeless shelters, so I think there's an evidence base on which to guide that. However, we really have left it to the community-based organizations to determine the greatest need on the ground and adjust as they need to. There is very little intervention from us and maximum flexibility for those on the ground.