The program is still open. We are, of course, applying our due diligence in assessing the applications, including requiring employers to provide credible evidence that they've tried to hire Canadians. We review employers' employment insurance history to see if they've recently laid off. We're also pursuing some enhancements to our administration, including ensuring that the business or the employer has a genuine need for the workers.
For those who applied prior to the COVID-19 situation, we're asking employers to readvertise in the current situation, and that includes posting for two weeks, that they reach out to under-represented groups and that they use our job match service. This is, in particular, in the low-wage areas, to ensure that all Canadians who are currently unemployed have opportunities for those jobs. We continue to work on strengthening that as more evidence comes to bear, as well as working with provinces and territories on the labour market situation. There's a number—