I don't recall that happening, so if someone could confirm that, that would be great.
That being said, I know I supplied the clerk with a motion, and she did distribute it in both official languages, so I would like to take this moment to move that motion and read it into the record.
I believe that with COVID being an evolving situation, we should be nimble also.
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee undertake a study on the impact of COVID-19 on the financial, social, health and overall wellbeing of seniors; that the committee review existing and announced programs for seniors and make recommendations to improve support for seniors; that the study be comprised of no less than six two-hour meetings; that the committee invite the Minister of Seniors and departmental officials to appear for one hour each; that the committee, pursuant to Standing Order 109, present its findings with recommendations to the House; and that the committee request that the government provide a comprehensive response.
Some of the justification for studying this at this particular time is that we just had a fall economic statement. There was money allocated in there for programs such as New Horizons, seniors and long-term care. I think it would be great to really take an in-depth look at seniors—they are the ones who have built this country—and take a look at their social health, their mental health, their financial health, how they are being affected, especially seniors in different rural and urban settings, and also with the lockdowns, the social isolation and physical isolation that's having on our seniors.
Taking that time.... I have heard from seniors from all across Canada, as well as groups, and they are a group that is falling through the cracks. I think it's our job as parliamentarians to make sure that we honour our seniors, those who have paved the path before us, make sure we hear how they are being affected with COVID, and bring their concerns to the House.