Thank you, Ms. Gazan.
Colleagues, we're going to leave it there so that we get a full hour with the next panel as well.
I'd like to thank the witnesses for being with us here today. Thank you for your service, especially at such a difficult time when the public service is very much put in the limelight.
We also appreciate the various undertakings that you've given to provide further information in writing to the committee. At the risk of being bold, the written information that you provide will help inform us in the examination of further witnesses. We're happy to receive it piecemeal if you can provide some of it promptly and the rest takes a little more time. As soon as you can get it to us, that increases the value that it will have and its impact on the work of the committee.
Thanks again so much for being with us, and we'll bid you adieu now.
We're going to suspend for three minutes while we bring in the next panel and test their mikes.
Thanks again, everyone.