Thanks, MP Gazan. Yes, it's nice to have collegial support at committee at times.
Under the original bill and how we structured it, the thinking was that if you've already spent a significant amount of time with a loved one, you then would only need generally a week or two to take care of the funeral arrangements, some of the financial considerations and those sorts of things. That's because you would have had a lot of time on the front end. In the structuring of it, not having a lot of time towards the end and then having more time post-death was the thinking of the original concept. With the proposed amendments from the parliamentary secretary and me, jointly submitted, it shifts from that “compassionate care leave” header, if you will, under part III of the labour code, to “bereavement leave”.
You're right that in compassionate leave, I think particularly caregiving is an important aspect that we don't want to lose sight of in the conversation. It really does allow that more fulsome scope of giving those two weeks to everybody, if you're a caregiver or not, for the type of leave to grieve.