First, just as a point of clarification, I believe my motion came before the EI study. Second, to MP Gazan's point, in terms of the data available, it's in the estimates. In supplementary estimates (B), there is $253 million, and the government announced $500 million. That's already three-quarters of the allocated $1 billion. The data is there. Now is the time to provide scrutiny.
I want to thank MP Vaughan for agreeing to have, at least from the Liberal bench, a one-hour update from officials on the progress related to this important project if we go to two meetings a week before the Christmas break. I'm asking for one hour. I think it's very reasonable. I also support the work we're doing on indigenous housing as well. I believe strongly in this program and I want to see that hour so we can set a good foundation going into the new year.
Thank you so much.