Really? I'm surprised.
Just quickly, it's a study by professors from U of T, UBC and MIT—professors Baker, Milligan and Gruber. I'm just shocked that your officials didn't brief you on what they found.
Their report.... I'll just quote a little bit so that you have some background information on it:
...striking evidence that children are worse off in a variety of behavioural and health dimensions, ranging from aggression to motor-social skills to illness. Our analysis also suggests that the new childcare program led to more hostile, less consistent parenting, worse parental health, and lower-quality parental relationships.
I'd like to point out that the work of these professors won the Canadian Economics Association 2009 Doug Purvis prize. This is not a Mickey Mouse study or questionable outcomes that have been exposed when looking at the actual outcome of the child.
Are you not aware of these issues that researchers have found?