I will not answer Mr. Housefather, because I do not want to waste time.
Mr. Céré and Mrs. Dubé, good afternoon. Thank you for joining us.
Unlike others, I know you, and I want to applaud your extraordinary spirit in fighting for employment insurance in Quebec, which will of course have an impact on all Canadian workers.
I wouldn't say “just do it”, although I like the expression. I would say “go, go, go”. That's what I actually mean. For years, we have seen the EI system shrink rather than strengthen, hence the massive blow we have received in the current crisis.
Mrs. Dubé, you made some very compelling arguments in favour of the 50 weeks of benefits. One of them was the issue of equity. We are talking about workers who pay into EI for their entire lives. For 50 years, they have been discriminated against and they are not treated fairly when they lose their jobs.
Can you tell us more about that?