Yes, that can be a possible solution. The important thing is for the program to protect workers and to cover its costs.
Since the government of the day withdrew the state from the fund in 1990, it has only had premiums from the workers and the employers, on a 40-60 basis. Employers provide 60% of the employment insurance fund. Could we see the state returning to the fund, contributing 10%, for example? Yes, we could. Other formulae are also possible.
I have often heard representatives and leaders of employers' associations say that they do not disagree with us at all, that they understand that we are in the trenches, that we know the need for an employment insurance program and that they are able to help us. However, they find that they are paying too much. Could we change certain things along those lines? Yes, we could.
We need a real program that protects workers and we need to balance the program's expenditures.
So it is very possible to foresee the state contributing to the employment insurance fund once more, Ms. Chabot.