Thank you.
I do think we need to move quickly on this. We knew right away, as soon as COVID hit, that the old employment insurance system was not up to the task. It is important that we address the major barriers to EI.
What's exciting about this is that it's doable. If we actually do this, EI can be restored to its heyday when it protected workers and the economy at the same time: reducing hours, eliminating the quick fires and extending the duration of benefits. Another aspect of extending the duration that's good for the economy is allowing workers to find jobs that fit their skill set, instead of their having to take survival jobs as they hit the benefit cliff, having to take a survival job that doesn't make the best use of their skills.
Again, an effective EI program is good for the economy, it's good for workers and it's good for making the best use of skills. I think it's urgent, because we can't wait and COVID has shown us that.