Thank you very much for the question.
I do remember the accident that you're referring too. Unfortunately, I'm sure that each member would be able to point to an example of a similar accident in their own riding.
I think it's important to recognize that generally construction is a lot safer now than it was a long time ago. Construction continues to put in place best practices, and there's COR certification. Health and safety is a core value of the unionized construction industry in Canada. Recently, there was a report, again from the Ontario Construction Secretariat, indicating how safe unionized construction is. This is a core deliverable of all of our training. All of our training is built around safety and safe practices.
On EI, when you talk about training in general, MP Young, you know that there are some questions here about recommendations to simplify the process going forward. I think one would be about how the EI today isn't the EI that it was 25 years ago. I remember that a long time ago I had to submit my cards and send them in through the mail. I really think that this training aspect, particularly given the post-pandemic recovery, needs to be, to whatever extent, hived out of the employment insurance system. Employment insurance and income support programs need to be sustainable. I agree with the Chamber of Commerce on that.
Hive that training out. We'll get that training out and get more Canadians to have access to it. Also, include safety as a component of it and you're going to see improvements to safety in co-operation with labour unions and businesses right across the country, in all sectors.