Mr. Kent, you make an entirely fair point. Our late start was a function of the votes and the time it took to get everyone set up. The hard stop we have at six o'clock is because there is another commitment in the room at 6:30, and the COVID protocols require some time in between to change from one meeting to the next.
The best I can do, Mr. Kent, as we go through the questions and answers, is that we can perhaps have some discussions away from the meeting and have the clerk get on his phone and email to see if we can get the 6:30 meeting pushed back so we can get a full hour here for the full two rounds. That's the best we can do in these circumstances.
You raised an entirely fair point. We were unable to get the OGGO committee to relent so that we could have that extra time. I expect that's also the committee that is due in at 6:30.
Thank you for raising the point. I really wish we could do more.
Minister Hussen, you have five minutes for your opening statements. You have the floor.