I will move what I hope is a friendly amendment to support the basic income study coming next after this.
In the space between starting and stopping studies, we also have to accommodate Mr. Vis's request for a final report on RHI, as well as bring CMHC's order in council appointment for the new head of CMHC. We can fit those in as we move to drafting instructions and preparing witnesses, for example, to complete the EI study. We have three other elements of business that we have to fit in between the scheduling of those two studies, and as we have over time, we'll commit to fitting those in, because those are also outstanding motions.
The amendment would be to order the basic income study next after the seniors study and in between, where schedule permits, to fulfill our requirements to bring the head of CMHC in for the order in council appointment and to bring the rapid housing initiative report forward and have officials here to answer questions. Then I agree, we also have to complete the EI study as well as the URN study.
I would propose that motion, and then explain that once we do that, we can actually move a separate motion to go in camera to finish the URN study, which really has only one recommendation to wordsmith, and we can do that this afternoon and hopefully get the URN study finished and then set ourselves up Thursday to finish the EI report. I will also endeavour to see if we can get the Minister of Seniors and officials here to kick-start the seniors report even sooner to free up time later in the schedule for those other challenges we have.
The motion would be an amendment to Ms. Gazan's motion to adopt her study as the second, to commit to making the CMHC request and the RHI report part of the schedule as the committee and officials become available, and then we will deal with the motion later to finalize the URN report.