I would have to agree with Laura. Laura and I are friends outside of this as well, so we see things eye to eye on a lot of different issues, which is great.
I would agree about having the individual envelopes. I think one of the ways we really have to look at this from the federal level looking down into the provinces, especially Ontario, is that one area they just won't touch is ratios in long-term care. This might not play into what you're asking, but I worked as a personal support worker for eight years in long-term care, so my background is all personal support worker, home care, long-term care, hospital. I will tell you that from 2006 forward, I never worked a fully staffed shift. That was starting in 2006 and moving forward. That's scary if you think back that far.
I find that provinces are almost leery of having set ratios. If you have one PSW to eight residents on a floor just to start with and then decrease that as it moves on, that would make such a huge impact. The burnout rates would go down, and you'd actually be able to give the residents better care. I think the federal government could be really influential on the ratios aspect.