I would say that there are a couple of things.
I think my colleague here talked about interconnectivity, to have access online [Technical difficulty—Editor] and to get supports for mental health or to speak to your doctor or what have you. The transportation issue was huge.
We also saw that in a lot of the rural communities there were additional costs for food, whether it was for delivering the food or that the actual cost of the food was higher, especially in more remote areas. The dollar has to stretch that much further for those seniors who are living in those remote and rural areas, but the lack of transportation is a significant issue. Also, you're farther away from your neighbours in rural and remote areas.
I live in urban downtown and there are lots of supports locally. I can knock on my neighbour's door. In a rural and remote area, that's harder to do, so those natural communities of caring are harder to organize and manage in a rural or remote area.