I think that's reasonable. Are there any concerns about that?
Just for the sake of clarity, the proposed wording that I've been provided is as follows:
That, in the context of the study of the impact of COVID-19 on seniors, the evidence and documentation received by the committee during the 1st Session of the 43rd Parliament on the study of the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic be taken into consideration by the committee in the current session.
I think, based on Mrs. Falk's intervention, we can add “in addition to any other testimony, verbal or written, provided in the course of the current study”.
Is that agreeable to the committee? I believe I see agreement. Thank you.
[Technical difficulty—Editor] one with respect to the report on the employment insurance program. That report will be ready to be tabled in the House on Monday, and it is my plan to do it on Monday. If that plan changes, I will let you know right away, but that's what it looks like.
A question for the committee is this: Is the committee amenable to instructing the analysts to prepare a press release on the tabling of the EI reform report?
Is there any discussion on that? I think we have agreement.
To our analysts, you can consider yourselves so instructed.
The last thing is the Centennial Flame Research Award. We have had a discussion around the award. We have not yet adopted a motion to set a deadline for the submission of applications or to fix on the amount of the award. In the discussion that we had on May 27, it was proposed that the amount be set at $6,700 and that the deadline for submissions be July 1, which now appears to be kind of tight.
It's open to your suggestions with respect to the Centennial Flame Research Award. Are we still comfortable with $6,700, and could I hear from you as to a reasonable deadline for the submission of applications?
Ms. Chabot, the floor is yours.