Personally, I believe it should. We're in the new age. We can't be doing things that we did 30 years ago and have policy and rules from 30 years ago. We need to get with the times, and the times and COVID showed us that Internet access is a utility.
Should it be common out there? Yes. Now, would some of my political friends of all stripes agree with me? Probably not. That's where the “loaded” comes in.
To my witness friend from Quebec, a lot of what he was saying is so very true in Manitoba too. People who had reasonable incomes through COVID may survive through it all, but those who did not.... Housing was an issue. Transportation is an issue. The day when I have to think twice about whether I'm paying for the pills that some doctor has prescribed for me, or paying for Internet and those kinds of things, there's a real problem. It's a societal problem, and it's a political problem. You can put me on a soapbox doing this.