There is a big difference. Between access to care in urban Winnipeg, Regina or Saskatoon versus access in rural areas, the difference is like night and day. That's why I'm a real proponent of our support coordinators, who are all over this province. We have more than 103 of them in various communities throughout the province. They're the go-to; they're the people who have a group of seniors, and because they're in rural Manitoba, everybody knows everybody else. They knew to go and check on Mrs. Smith, Mr. Jones, etc.
The biggest thing is, when we went into shutdown.... Home care has a set of rules. There are many people in rural and remote Manitoba who have no family. First, they were left in destitute situations, partly because nobody knew. Second, they were afraid, because they weren't all that healthy to begin with. How do they get to testing? How do they get to their vaccines? If it weren't for our support coordinators out there, I'm not sure that we would be where we are today with vaccinations. There's still a problem there, and I need to deal with it after I finish with this.
It goes back to communication and who knows what out there. To me, it's a big one.