It depends upon the income level is the first thing. We all got shut down across this country. For those seniors—and the data shows it—who are tech savvy, seniors centres, many of them, went to Zoom programming two or three times a day. I have a seniors centre in Manitoba that had 75 people doing exercises on Zoom on a weekly basis: a daily basis within the week, for six programs a week. There was that flip in a lot of cases, if you had good Wi-Fi access, to Zoom programming.
We did a lot of promotion around 211, which gave older adults information. Communication is huge all the time, but the pandemic made it even more so.
Low-income seniors don't have Wi-Fi access. They can't afford it, in many cases. They're living in the community. To me, one of the biggest hits, and we have to remember that, is that 93% of older adults are living in the community and aging in place, and they're connecting to centres if they have the money for the device and Wi-Fi—