In terms of how affordable housing is delivered, one of the other components of the national housing strategy is rent support. We know that as people age in place, and particularly as people with disabilities age in place, there are additional costs attached. You spoke about basic income before, but there are additional costs that model around the person's life as opposed to just simply turning 65 and getting a cheque. Disability, as well as age and as well as gender, are all intersectional realities that create different costs of living for different people.
Is it a single system of paying everyone the same, or do we need to pick up and pay for the exceptionalities that differentiate one particular age population as opposed to another? In other words, do we need to fit the programs around people, or do we need to fit people into the programs? As we see COVID take root, how critical is it to make sure that we attend to the individual needs of people and not just treat them as over 65, and that's that?