Housing is indeed one of the social determinants of health. This right should be a given and accessible to all.
We're currently experiencing a very worrying and difficult situation. We're seeing uncontrolled increases in housing costs throughout Quebec. Measures should be implemented to slow down this increase in housing costs. Old age and retirement pensions remain unchanged, while rental, grocery and electricity costs keep increasing. This makes the most vulnerable people even more vulnerable. Some people are facing fairly significant levels of poverty.
Affordable housing is a major and very significant issue. However, I was also talking earlier about adaptability and accessibility. It isn't enough to have affordable housing. It must also be adaptable and accessible for our seniors.
A potentially suitable solution would be to implement community structures where senior care services could be provided on site and where housing could be adapted to the seniors' progressive loss of independence, depending on their changing health status. We should be able to provide this care to seniors where they live, so that they can spend the rest of their lives in the same place. This solution would be good to consider.