Certainly. Really quickly, I said that we don't know what we don't know in some contexts, but in others, I would have to say that we could not have more evidence for the importance of certain types of support environmentally: sleep hygiene, how people are supported and housed, how they survive a day and how much that erodes their mental health and contributes to long-term challenges. There's such a wealth of evidence in support of the need to address those challenges and barriers.
Included in that, when it comes to cultural supports, I would layer.... We talk about culturally informed supports, and that may mean different things to different people, but really, from a mental health lens, it is also about safety. It's also about recognizing the trauma community members have faced.
What contributes to our own experience of safety can vary. I think that's where, when we talk about culture, we are talking about many aspects of what we may think about in terms of culture. We provide training and support for land-based cultural experiences, but also, just more deeply and richly, there is that idea of trauma, the impact of trauma and the importance of safety, and how we create safety when we're supporting people, being really tangible and directly related to mental health.