I believe so. When we try to do things, communication takes time. Maybe there's changeover or maybe there are elections coming up and everybody has to go like this for a little while till the election is over. Then we get lost in the system. We try to communicate with different ministers to have meetings with them and it's just not happening.
We have resolutions from the AFN that are just not being looked at. They're not being read. We just had an AFN meeting—our BCAFN meeting—with some of our ministers, and the only reply we got was that they were sorry that they didn't have time to look at our resolutions. Those resolutions are very important to us. They affect everybody on reserve, off reserve, in nearby cities and in nearby communities.
A lot of our native housing here in the Fraser Valley.... If I go to native housing nearby, I would never see any of my own people in there. I've never seen my neighbouring communities' people in there. It's all people from every other place and there's no place for our own people to go.
If we had that block funding for housing and infrastructure, we could do it. I know Sts'ailes can do it.