I"m going back to a little history in housing. When the Meech Lake accord was happening and the provinces and the feds were arguing about the division of powers, the provinces wanted the authority over housing and the feds devolved their national housing program and the dollars that went with that to each of the provinces. We ended up in that particular case as short-changed communities—all of us did across the country. What ended up happening was that the provinces decided to take this transfer of housing into their communities, like B.C. for example, did really well with the monies it received. But in other provinces that wasn't the case. Saskatchewan is an example, I think you heard testimony from Robert Byers, indicating that the province doesn't provide any housing. They're not interested in doing homelessness services.
A patchwork of programs across the country causes a shortage of housing for us all across the country. If we had a national housing strategy for the indigenous community, we could avoid part of that.