Apparently we have about 600 units under development right now, but we have a huge need here in the GVRD. We have 6,000 applicants on our wait-list. We often say that it would take you 85 years to get housed at Lu'ma, which is an extremely long time. In order to accommodate the needs of our community over a period of 10 years, we'd have to build 600 units every year for the next 10 years just to meet our current wait-list.
We need to keep in mind that every year, those numbers are added to purely by the fact that indigenous youth are aging out of foster care. There are 700 indigenous youth that age out of foster care every year here, and of those kids, 50% will end up homeless and on the streets.
Generally to meet the needs, we would say that we would need almost 1,000 units a year for the next 10 years to meet our needs.