I have to say that I am reluctant to suggest amendments to the bill. In the conclusion to our opening remarks, we set out the recommendations we would like to see adopted in the future. If we start amending the bill, how many more years will it take for the question to be settled? In our opinion, this has to be settled as soon as possible, ideally in April. That is why I am very reluctant to suggest amendments.
I think we have to come back later to issues relating to the OAS and income security and consider recommendations like ours. For example, we recommend that there be a supplemental benefit for people who had to leave the labour market to care for children or dependent family members. That is the case for many women, but also some men. This type of supplemental benefit could help people who are receiving small pensions, including OAS.
At this point, I think this bill has to be passed rapidly by the House of Commons and the Senate.