I think I would push back a little against you. I respect your position, but I think that saying that they're doing this doesn't actually align with the facts. I think there is a bit of a discrepancy there between, yes, they've said they're going to do this, and the facts of what's actually happening, obviously in particular “arrive scam”, which has taken a lot of attention. There has been a lot of outside contract work.
I think this comes back to the big question, which you touched on earlier, of morale and mental health within the workplace. I don't know if you have the stats on missed work. Does anybody here have those sorts of numbers on what that looks like for the economy on people who aren't able to come to work because of stress?
I think about my friends at USJE in particular. These are correctional officers. They're put in extremely precarious positions. They're dealing with incredibly difficult situations. I think about officers who are dying by suicide. I think about all of these things, and you touched on it in referring to morale and the toxic workplace—which goes to your point, Ms. Payne—that is created when you are always looking over your shoulder to see if you're going to be replaced or if somebody's going to come in and take that work.
My question would be, do you have a number—